Art and Sculpture


Jacobs Island - Bermondsey, London

Paintings for an exhibition ‘Future City’ held at RIBA, Portland Place during December 1999 and January 2000.

A personal exploration of the ‘lost’ rivers of London, which include the Fleet, Tyburn, Wandle, Lea, Bow, Ravensbourne and Waterworks. The lost rivers include those that culvert underground, such as the Fleet, the traces of which, are signified by street names (Fleet Street). Other London rivers are present in the city but remain hidden, diverted and channelled through some of London’s industrial wastelands and below our city streets.

The possibilities inherent in the revival of the reverie landscape offers considerable scope for urban regeneration, which will have an effect on public access, recreational use and the wildlife character of the city.


Cluny Mews, London


A ‘pocket’ park next to the Adshel Headquarters building in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. Walls, glass screens and hedges help create a sense of enclosure; a place to sit and contemplate.

The screens in front of the building assist in buffering the traffic noise from the adjacent busy Cromwell Road. Curving sculptural walls of York stone, contrast with the circles of York stone set into blue coloured glass resin paving. A tree seat set around a mature Plane tree in the centre and planting to the edge transforms the space into a garden. The transition between the park and the headquarters building next door is achieved through terraced gabion walls inter-planted with box and bamboo.




Peckham Library - London



Ikea Museum - Älmhult, SWEDEN


Copyright WilkinsonEyre





Copyright Alsop & Stormer